Thursday, November 20, 2008

2nd Grade Turkey Dressing Project

Last Friday my little sweetie came home with a naked turkey and "our" assignment was to dress this turkey. The teacher gave ideas like, it could be a police officer, teacher, etc. So Nick came up 1st with Abraham was looking a lot like a pilgrim, so we nitched that one, then he had this wonderful Idea of dressing his turkey as a Poptart, what an idea, but then it seemed pretty boring, just a big rectangle with sprinkles. Then he hit upon dressing his turkey like Patric Star from sponge bob.
First came the star shape, the turkey was waaay too large for regular construction paper. Construction paper had to be taped together to cover that naked turkey. Nick is a very percise cutter, he takes his time cutting and does a very good job, then we had to make Patric's shorts, by then it was bed time. Next night we worked on the actual turkey, he thought it would be funny if some of the feathers were peeking out from behind the Patric outfit. I think over all it is a Great Dressing!

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